Live Edge Mesquite Coffee Table with Jasper and Copper Inlay

Live Edge Mesquite Coffee Table with Jasper and Copper Inlay


This live edge mesquite is 56” in length, 23-27.5” in width, and 16.25” in height. This was a commissioned piece for a home in The Boulders in Carefree AZ.

There are over forty types of mesquites “Prosopis glandulos”. It is native to the deserts in the southwest United States and northeastern Mexico. Mesquite is dense, close-grained, very hard and heavy. The wood has swirling grain and ranges in color from a deep brown to honey with pale sapwood. This mesquite was urban logged from Phoenix.

The inlay includes Sonoran Sunset jasper, chrysocolla, and copper. Sonoran Sunset is a multi-color jasper composed of blue/green which is Chrysocolla, the red is Cuprite, Chalcotricite, which is the orangey red), and the black is Iron. Sonoran Sunset comes from Cuitata, Municipio de Cananea, Sonora, Mexico.

Parrot Wing Jasper is a mixture of chrysocolla, quartz, jasper, and azurite. It has blue and green colors that often various reds. The name Parrot Wing comes from the colors of the stone resembling the wing of a parrot. Most Parrot Wing Jasper is mined in Mexico.

“Jasper” means speckled stone and is an aggregate of quartz, chalcedony and various minerals. Jasper can be brown, red, green, yellow, blue or a combination of those colors. Red is most common because of the iron content. Blue is considered rare.

Chyrsocolla is a hydrated phyllosilicate mineral. It comes from Greek chrysos meaning ‘gold’ and kola ‘glue’ although its color is typically a combination of blue and green. Chyrsocolla is found in the United States in Arizona, Utah, New Mexico. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Idaho. The Chyrsocolla used in this table is from Arizona.

Copper is found in multiple states in the U.S. including Utah, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, and New Mexico. Copper is very malleable and has a beautiful reddish-brown color that accents the mesquite. The copper nugget is from northern Michigan and the copper powder is from Utah.

The finish contains four coats of Tung oil; sanded after each coat. Tung oil brings out the unique characteristics of the mesquite.

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