Chinaberry Entry Table

Chinaberry Entry Table


Chinaberry (melia Azedarah) comes from Australia, Southern Asia and the Oceania region. However it was brought to the Southwest and Mexico as a shade tree. The fruit from the Chinaberry was used for washing clothes which is the root of the “soap tree” reference. The Chinaberry fruit is not eatable for humans. The tree grows from thirty to fifty feet and can be as much as two feet in diameter. Chinaberry has an array of rich colors in the hardwood ranging from red-brown to pinks and oranges. The sapwood is typically a medium yellow. The grain is mostly straight but there are interlocked areas. The metal legs were designed by sculptor Frank Seckler from Taos, NM.

The finish contains six coats of tung oil that create beautiful natural finish. The Chinaberry was sanded after each coat. To maintain the beauty of the chinaberry avoid using cleaning solutions instead use water in a damp rag. Remove the excess moisture with a clean towel. For polishing a beeswax solution such as Howard Feed-N-Wax or Artisan Lemon Oil Wax is good. Just follow the directions from the manufacturer. Questions, you can call us anytime at 206-679-4084 or email us! 

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