Opiuma Occasional Table

Opiuma Occasional Table
Opiuma, Pithecellobium dulce, is a species native to the Pacific Coast, the highlands of Mexico and Central America as well as northern South America. It has been naturalized in many parts of the world including Hawaii in 1870. Opiuma was first used as a shade tree. It can grow up to 60 feet with light gray bark. The heartwood displays an array of colors including yellow, pink, yellowish and reddish brown. This Opiuma is from Hawaii.
The stone inlay is jasper and yellow jasper. It is typically found in multiple states in the U.S. including Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. The yellow jasper accents the Opiuma and brings out the reddish-brown color of the wood. This jasper is from Arizona and New Mexico.
The finish contains six coats of Tung oil with varnish; sanded after each coat. Tung oil brings out the unique characteristics of the wood. This is available at the Gallery at el Pedregal in Scottsdale, AZ.
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