African Sumac Coffee Table with Mookite and Copper

African Sumac Coffee Table with Mookite and Copper
African Sumac, Searsia Iancea, is the perfect tree for desert regions as it is a dense shade tree. It grows well in dry conditions. It can reach a height of 30 feet and grow as much as two feet per year. It is native to Southern Africa. This African Sumac burl was urban logged in Phoenix.
Jasper which means “speckled stone” and is an aggregate of quartz, chalcedony and various minerals. Jasper can be brown, red, green, yellow, blue or a combination of those colors. Red is most common because of the iron content. Blue is considered rare. Mookite is silica a composition of jasper, chalcedony, and chert. It is from the Mooka Creek area near the Kennedy Ranges in Western Australia. Australia. Copper is found in multiple states in the U.S. including Utah, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, and New Mexico. Copper is very malleable and has a beautiful reddish-brown color that accents the African sumac. The copper used is from Arizona.
The finish contains four coats of Jojoba oil; sanded after each coat. Jojoba oil brings out the unique characteristics of the wood. To maintain the beauty of the African Sumac avoid using cleaning solutions instead use water in a damp rag. Remove the excess moisture with a clean towel.