Redwood Lace Burl

Redwood Lace Burl
This can be a bar heigth table or a coffee table. Redwood Lace Burl is as known as California Redwood, Vavona and Coast Redwood. It is found from central California to southwestern Oregon. It can grow 200 to 300 feet with the trunk being up to 12 feet in diameters. The curly figure is typically called lace.
Jasper means speckled stone and is an aggregate of quartz, chalcedony and various minerals. Jasper can be brown, red, green, yellow, blue or a combination of those colors. Red is most common because of the iron content. Blue is considered rare.
The finish contains three coats of Tung oil; sanded after each coat. Tung oil brings out the unique characteristics of the Redwood Lace Burl. To maintain the beauty avoid using cleaning solutions instead use water in a damp rag. Remove the excess moisture with a clean towel. For polishing a beeswax solution such as Howard Feed-N-Wax or Artisan Lemon Oil Wax is good. Just follow the directions from the manufacturer. Questions, you can call us anytime at 206-679-4084. Enjoy!
This unique piece is available Cowbells Western Interiors 7100 E. Cave Creek Rd, Cave Creek, AZ 480-299-5816