Sura (Dragonwood) End Table

Sura (Dragonwood) End Table


Sura or Dragonwood (Terminalia oblonga) is found from Honduras to the Amazon in South American. The term “dragonwood” comes from the patterns within the wood. It is a very dense, heavy wood. The sapwood is yellow and gray while browns and grays make up the heartwood. The darker veins or bands are brown, and shades of green. The tree needs significant rainfall; at least ninety-one inches a year. It can grow at altitudes up to 3000 feet but thrives in the lowland areas. Sura can grow to almost 150 feet in height. This sura is from Costa Rica and harvested under government regulations for environmentally sustainability.

It is 28 by 24 and 3 inches thick. It is available at the gallery at el Pedregal in Scottsdale, AZ.

Shipping is available. For more information contact us at (206)-679-4084 or email us! 

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The stone inlay is Sonoran Sunset a colorful jasper from the Cananea, Sonora, Mexico area. The red is Cuprite, the blue and green mix is Chrysocolla, the orange-red mix is Chalcotricite and the black is Iron

The finish contains three coats of Tung oil; sanded after each coat. Tung oil brings out the unique characteristics of the wood. To maintain the beauty of the Sura avoid using cleaning solutions instead use water in a damp rag. Remove the excess moisture with a clean towel. For polishing a beeswax solution such as Howard Feed-N-Wax or Artisan Lemon Oil Wax is good. Just follow the directions from the manufacturer. Questions, you can call us anytime at 206-679-4084. Enjoy!

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